Sunday, April 18, 2010

deceased shirt

Recently, I was able to study abroad in South Africa as part of a doctoral program focusing on educational policy. We traveled there to study the educational system, and the country’s efforts to overhaul the damage that years of oppression had on their educational institutions. Our greatest challenge as students was trying to conceptualize what this meant for the millions of South Africans who wanted to pursue higher education. We constantly talked about the roles colonialism, hegemony and racism played in the Apartheid structure, but I don’t believe that any of us could fully grasp how this impacted the lives of people living this experience on a daily basis.
The gap between the Hero and Shape Shifter increases or decreases (polarization or de-polarization), depending on the exact stage of the Journey and whether the Shape Shifter will turn from good to bad or vice versa. In The Incredibles (2004), Bomb Voyage's attitudes and opinions increasingly fall in line with those of Mr Incredible. In Gladiator (2000), the attitudes and beliefs of Lucilla increasingly fall in line with those of Maximus. In Alien (1979), Ash and Ripley drift further apart. In The Matrix (1999), Neo and Cypher's differences are developed.

bethesda doctor

Along the coast of the Adriatic Sea lives what now is called the "poskok,' better known as the 'Jumping Serpent'. These creatures are some five-feet long and to my understanding can jump some three feet in the air and leap some five-feet in any direction they wish, simply by aiming at whatever, wherever. But this didn't happen by chance, this really and truly happened by necessity. And this is the tale you are about to hear, the 'why,' of it, how it came about. And to be quite honest, you will be the first to hear of it. It entails also Mr. Goose whom you have already been introduced to, slightly introduced to I should say. (Note: this story was written 2002, reedited 2006, and rewritten and reedited 7-2008)